DancieMaetion 2.0: 860 Dances

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Dance Name Format
12 Coates Crescent
51st Travellers, The
Aas Yooou Wiiissshhh
Abbot of Unreason, The
Abernethy Lassies
Adieu Mon Ami
Admirable Fred
Aging Gracefully
Airdrie Lassies
Airie Bennan
Airy Fairy
Airyhall Delight
Alan J Smith
Alexander's Castle
Alice's Request
Alison Rose
All for Mary
Allemande Joy
Alloway Kirk Rant
Allt An Duin
And For the Young Ones
Anderson's Rant
Angus MacKinnon's Hornpipe
Anna Holden's Strathspey
Annan Gold
Anniversary Reel
Antarctica Bound
Argyll Strathspey
Argyll's Fancy
Arniston Glen
Asilomar Romantic
Atholl Reel, The
Auchinellan Jig
Auld Davie McClemmet's Fiddle
Auld Grey Cat, The
Auld Lang Syne
Australian Ladies
Autumn in Appin
Autumn Wind
Ayr Promenade
Back to the Fireside
Bailey's Irish Cream
Baldovan Reel
Balgeddie Reel
Ballater Reel, The
Balmoral Strathspey
Balquidder Strathspey
Barbara's Strathspey
Barley Bree
Barmkin, The
Bauldy Bain's Fiddle
Bea's Delight
Beach Dancer
Bees of Maggieknockater, The
Belfast Hornpipe, The
Belle of Bon Accord, The
Berwick Johnnie
Best Set in the Hall
Bill Clement MBE
Birks of Invermay, The
Black Black Oil, The
Black Dance, The
Black Donald
Black Mountain Reel, The
Black-Haired Lassie, The
Blackadder Jig
Blackwater Reel, The
Blooms of Bon Accord
Blue Bonnets
Blue Loch, The
Blue Mess Jacket, The
Bob Campbell
Bobby Brown's Canadian Breakdown
Bonnie Charlie
Bonnie Ina Campbell
Bonnie Stronshiray
Bonnie Tree, The
Bow Fiddle Rock
Braes of Breadalbane
Braes of Mellinish, The
Braes of Tulliemet, The
Bramble Bush, The
Bratach Bana
Breakdown, The
Bridge of Nairn
Brisk Young Lad, The
Broadford Bay
Brodie Castle
Brownie of Blednoch, The
Bruce's Men
Brudenell Jig, The
Buckie Jig, The
Bunting Bee, The
Burns Night
Busy Ann
Butterscotch and Honey
Button Boy, The
Byron Strathspey, The
C'est L'Amour
Ca' the Ewes tae the Knowes
Cabrach, The
Cadgers in the Canongate
Calgary's First Hundred
Campbell's Frolic
Cape Disappointment Light
Cape Town Wedding
Capercaillie, The
Capital Jig, A
Captain MacDonald's Fancy
Captain Ross
Captain's House, The
Cashmere Shawl, The
Castle Douglas
Castle Jig, The
Castle of Mey
Castles in the Air
Cat and the Fiddle, The
Catch as Catch Can
Catch the Wind
Caterpillar, The
Cauld Kail (Reel)
Cauld Kail (Strathspey)
Ceilidh Madness
Charles Stuart
Charmer, The
Chased Lovers
Chasing the Eclipse
Chequered Court, The
Cherrybank Gardens
Chopped Nuts and Chocolate Swirls
Christies' Strathspey
Christine M Phillips
Christmas Ceilidh, A
Ciamar a Tha (How Are You?)
City of Belfast
City of Stirling Reel
Clachan, The
Clansman, The
Clatterin' Brig
Clement Street Reel, The
Cliffs of Insanity, The
Clumsy Lover, The
Clydebank Strathspey
Cocket Hat, The
College Hornpipe, The
Come to the Ceilidh
Come What May
Comeback Jig, The
Compleat Gardener, The
Corian Strathspey, The
Corn Dawgs
Corn Rigs
Countess of Dunmore's Reel, The
Countess of Elgin, The
Couple of Keepers, A
Craigellachie Reel, The
Cramond Bridge
Cramond Wedding, The
Cranberry Tart, The
Craven Jig, The
Craven Reel, The
Crieff Jig, The
Crom Allt (The Crooked Burn)
Crossing the Line
Crummy Reel, The
Cuckoo Clock, The
Cuillins of Skye
Culla Bay
Cumberland Reel
Cumbrae Reel, The
Cupar Jig, The
Currie Mountain
Cutty Sark
Da Rain Dancin'
Daffodil, The
Dagmar's Delight
Dagmar's Fancy
Dalkeith's Strathspey
Dance for Alisa
Dancers on the Wall
Dancers' Wedding, The
DancieMaetion Movie, The
Dancing Bees, The
Dancing Dolphins
Dancing for Pleasure
Dancing Man, The
Dancing Master, The
Dare to Dance
Dashing White Sergeant, The
Davy Nick Nack
De'il Amang the Tailors, The
Deer Friends
Delvine Side
Devil's Elbow, The
Diamond Jubilee, The
Diamond Quarrie, The
Dizzying Intellect, A
Domino Five
Donald Bane
Doonhammer Delight, The
Dos Equis
Double Diamond Strathspey, The
Dr Quarrie's Birthday
Dr Sally Hayes
Dream Catcher, The
Drunken Sailor, The
Duchess Tree, The
Duke & Duchess of Edinburgh
Duke of Atholl's Reel, The
Duke of Hamilton's Reel
Duke of Perth
Dumbarton Drums
Dundee Whaler, The
Duran Ranger, The
Earl of Mansfield, The
Early Spring
Easy Does It
Ecclefechan Feline
Edinburgh Castle Reel
Edinburgh Toy Shop, The
Eileen Watt's Reel
Elephant's Stampede, The
Eliza Emily's Reel
Ellie's Jig
Elspeth Gray's Reel
Elusive Muse, The
Emerald Hills of Home
Emily Eliza's Reel
Enchanted Garden, The
Enchanted Isle, The
Engine Room, The
Enniskillen Dragoons
Espie McNabb
Express, The
Faerie Flag of the McLeods, The
Fair Donald
Fair Enough
Fair Jenny's Jig
Fair Ronny's Reel
Fairy Dance, The
Falkirk Lass, The
Falls of Rogie, The
Farewell to Balfour Road
Farm Boy
Father Connelly's Jig
Fergus McIver or Waverley
Ferla Mor
Fermat's Bicycle
Ferry Louper, The
Festival Fling
Festival Man, The
Fiddler's Wife, The
Fiddlin' Round
Fife Ness
Fight About the Fireside
Findlater Castle
Findlay's Jig
Fiona's Wish
Firecracker Reel
Fireworks Reel, The
First Love
First Rain of Spring
Fish and Chips
Fisherman's Reel
Flakes on the Road
Flight of the Falcon
Flight to Melbourne
Flights of Fancy
Flirtation Hornpipe, The
Flora's Fancy
Florrie's Fancy
Flower o' the Quern, The
Flower of Glasgow, The
Flowers of Edinburgh
Flowers of Scotland
Fly Not Yet
Flying Scotsman, The
Flying Spur, The
Folksy Fivesome, The
Follow Me Home
Four White Horses
Foxhill Court
Fraser's Favourite
Friday the Thirteenth
Frisky, The
From Scotia's Shores We're Noo Awa'
Frost and Snow
Fugal Fergus
Fyrefly Reel
Gaelforce Wind
Galloway Tale, A
Gang the Same Gate
Gardeners' Fantasia, The
Garry Strathspey
Gates of Edinburgh, The
Gavin's Reel
General Stuart's Reel
Geneva Alliance, The
Gentleman, The
Georgie's Jig
Glasgow Highlanders Progressions
Glasgow Highlanders, The
Glasgow Lasses
Glastonbury Tor
Glen, The
Glenalmond Gamekeeper, The
Glengarry Homestead, The
Glenora Ferry, The
Glens of Angus, The
Gloria's Wee Jig
Goat Fell Gallop, The
Golden Apple Jig, The
Golden Hornpipe, The
Golden Wedding Strathspey
Golden Years, The
Good Hearted Glasgow
Gordon's Cider Press
Gothenburg's Welcome
Granville Market
Great Expectations
Grey Daylight
Grumpy Gentleman, The
Guidman of Balangigh, The
Gumboot Rant, The
Gypsy Dreams
Haar on Skye, The
Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall - Sheffield
Hairy Mary
Hamilton House
Hamilton Rant, The
Happy Meeting, The
Happy Returns
Happy Tartan
Hare Reel, The
Haste to the Wedding
Hazel Tree, The
Hedwig's Reel
Hidden Valley, The
High Expectations
High Lodge, The
High Society
Highland Fair
Highland Lass, The
Highland Mary
Highland Rambler
Highland Welcome, A
Highlandman kissed his Mother, The
Highlandman's Umbrella, The
Holden Lane
Holland Park
Hollin Buss, The
Holyrood Strathspey
Homecoming Dance, The
Hooper's Jig
Hope Little's Strathspey
Hot Toddy, A
Howe o' Fife, The
Hunting Horn, The
Hyperactive Reel, The
I P's Farewell to Auchterarder
Immigrant Lass, The
Impressive Clergyman, The
Indian River Strathspey
Infamous El Guapo, The
Inimitable Derek, The
Invercauld's Reel
Inverneill House
Irish Rover, The
Iron Man, The
Isle, The
It Should Be Fun
It's About Time
It's All Right
It's Fun to Dance
It's Just For Fun
It's Nae Bother
J. B. Milne
James Gray
James Senior of St Andrews
Jamie's Jig
Jane's a Bonnie Lass
Jane's Jig
January Welcome
Jean Martin of Aberdeen
Jennifer's Jig
Jessie's Hornpipe
Jig to the Music
Jimmy's Fancy
Joe MacDiarmid's Jig
John Cass
John McAlpin
John of Bon Accord
Johnnie Walker
Johnnie's Welcome Hame
Johnny's New Jig
Joie de Vivre
Jubilee Jig, The
June Festival
Kabin Fever
Kamo Karousel
Kangaroo Paw, The
Karin's Strathspey
Kate and Dod
Katherine's Birthday
Katie's Dance
Kelloholm Jig, The
Kendall's Hornpipe
Kenora Reel, The
Kettle River
Kilkenny Castle
Kinfauns Castle
King in Patagonia, A
Kingussie Flower
Kiss Me Quick, My Mither's Coming
Kiss Under the Stairs
Kissing Bridge, The
La Flora
Ladies of Berkeau
Ladies of Dunse, The
Ladies' Fancy
Lads and Lassies of Livermore, The
Lady Auckland's Reel
Lady Catherine Bruce's Reel
Lady Dumfries
Lady Glasgow
Lady Lucy Ramsay
Lady Peak's Strathspey
Lady Sophia Lindsay
Lady Susan Montgomery
Lady Susan Stewart's Reel
Lady Wynd, The
Laird of Milton's Daughter, The
Lake Geneva
Lake of the Sky
Lamb Skinnet
Lammermuir Hills, The
Land of the Heather Hills
Lass O' Livingston, The
Lass of Richmond Hill, The
Lassie Frae Glasgow, The
Lassie, Will Ye Come and Dance?
Last of the Lairds, The
Laura's Ceilidh
Lea Rig, The
Legacy, The (Pinewoods Collection)
Let the Hackles Rise
Let's Have a Ceilidh
Let's Ride
Light and Airy
Light on the Water
Lightnin' Bug, The
Links with St Petersburg
Linnea's Strathspey
Linton Ploughman, The
Liquid Assets
Lobster in the Pot
Lochalsh Reel, The
Long Sands, The
Lord Elgin's Reel
Lord Selkirk
Lothian Lads
Luckenbooth Brooch
MAB of McLeod
MacDonald of Keppoch
MacDonald of the Isles
Machine Without Horses, The
MacLeod's Fancy
Mad Hatter, The
Mae in April
Magic Art O' Gow, The
Magic of Merrill, The
Maids in the Mirror
Mairi's Hangover
Mairi's Wedding
Mairrit Man's Favourite, The
Major Ian Stewart
Mamie's Jig
Many Happy Returns
Maple Grove, The
Maple Leaf Rant
March Hare, The
Margaret Parker's Strathspey
Marquis of Lorne, The
Mary Bain's Wedding
Mary Erskine
Mary Hamilton
Mason's Apron, The
Maxwell's Rant
May Yarker's Strathspey
Meeting of the Waters, The
Memories of Mary Ann
Micmac Rotary, The
Middling Thank You
Midnight Oil
Midsummer Common
Midsummer Madness
Miller of Sessnie, The
Milltimber Jig, The
Millville Grange, The
Milton's Welcome
Minister on the Loch, The
Mint Truffles
Miss Allie Anderson
Miss Catherine Allan
Miss Eleanor
Miss Frown's Reel
Miss Gibson's Strathspey
Miss Hadden's Reel
Miss Isabella McLeod
Miss Jane Muirhead of Dunsmuir
Miss Johnstone of Ardrossan
Miss Margaret Bryson
Miss Milligan's Strathspey
Miss Nancy Frowns
Miss Ogilvie's Fancy
Miss Sarah Smiles
Missing Turn, The
Mist O'er the Loch
Mixed Nuts
Mo-Ranch Special
Moment of Truth
Montgomeries' Rant, The
Moray Rant, The
More Bees A-Dancing
Morning After, The
Morrison Measure, The
Moudiewort, The
Mount Maxwell's Strathspey
Mountain Stream, The
Mr Edward Wagstaff's Fancy
Mr Iain Stuart Robertson
Mr Michael Bear's Reel
Mr William Brown's Reel
Mr. Wilson's Hornpipe
Mrs Hamilton of Wishaw
Mrs Macleod
Mrs Macpherson of Inveran
Mrs Milne of Kinneff
Mrs Stewart of Fasnacloich
Mrs Stewart's Jig
Mrs Stuart Linnell
Muirland Willie
Mulligan Stew
Muse Cottage
Music and the Dance, The
Music Makars, The
Music Will Tell You, The
My Friend Joe
My Heather Hills
My Jo
My Wife's a Winsome Wee Thing
Napier's Index
Neidpath Castle
Neil M Grant
New Abbey
New Opera, The
New Rigged Ship, The
New Scotland Strathspey, The
New Year Jig
Newburgh Jig
Niel Gow's Farewell to Whisky
None So Pretty
Norma's Garden
Nottingham Lace
Nurseryman, The
O'er the Mountains
Oban Reel, The
Odd Thoughts
Officer and a Gentleman, An
Old Man of Hoy, The
Old Man of Storr, The
Old Nick's Lumber Room
Olympic Treasure
On the Quarter Deck
On the Wings of the Morning
Orpington Caledonians
Out of Thin Air
Over the Water to Charlie (New Way)
Ox, The
Packhorse Rant, The
Paisley Weavers, The
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Peat Fire Flame, The
Peggy Dewar
Peggy Spouse MBE
Pelorus Jack
Petronella, The
Piece of Cake
Pilot's Delight
Pines of Pitlochry, The
Pinewoods Reel
Pink Roses
Pint o' Ale is Fain
Piper and the Penguin, The
Plantation Reel, The
Pleasure is Mine, The
Plethora of Pinatas, A
Pluto's Head
Polharrow Burn
Postage Stamp, The
Postie's Jig
Preston Mill
Prince Rupert's Fancy
Provost Wynd, The
Quaich, The
Quarrie's Jig
Queen Anne's Lace
Quincentenary Reel, The
Rakes of Glasgow
Rakish Highlandman, The
Raven's Dance, The
Ray Milbourne
Recumbent Stone, The
Red House
Reel for Alice, A
Reel for Jeannie, A
Reel of Mey, The
Reel of the 51st Division, The
Reel of the Gordon Highlanders, The
Reel of the Royal Scots
Reel of the Sound, The
Reel On
Reeling at St Paul's
Remparts de Seville, Les
Rendez-vous a Vichy
Rest and Be Thankful
Reverend John MacFarlane, The
Ring in the New
Road to Mallaig, The
Road to the Isles
Roaring Jelly
Robb Quint of Thousand Oaks
Robertson Rant, The
Rock and the Wee Pickle Tow, The
Rocks of Solitude, The
Rodney's Rant
Rose of the North
Roselath Cross, The
Rothesay Country Dance
Rothesay Rant, The
Rougemont Castle
Round Reel of Eight
Roxburgh Castle
Royal Deeside
Royal Deeside Railway, The
Royal Exchange
Royal Wedding, The
Royal Yacht Britannia, The
Ruby Lips
Rutland Reel, The
Rye Twist
Sailor, The
Saint Columba's Strathspey
Saint John River, The
Saltire Society Reel, The
Saltire Strathspey, The
Salute to Noel Lillie
Sam's Reel
Sands of Morar
Sandy Butterly
Sandy o'er the Lea
Sandy's Scotch Broth
Saturday Market
Sauchie Haugh, The
Saunter, The
Save the Children
Scallywag, The
Scotch Mist
Scotch Tangle, The
Scotland's Gardens
Scots Bonnet, The
Scott Meikle
Scottish Jaunt, A
Scottish Reform
Screaming Eels, The
Seann Truibhas Willichan
Secrets of the Fire Swamp
Selkirk Reel
Selkirk Settlers, The
Seton's Ceilidh Band
Sgurr Alasdair
Sheena's Buckle
Shetland Shepherdess, The
Shiftin' Bobbins
Shores of Solway, The
Silver City, The
Silver Grey, The
Silver Square, The
Silver Strathspey, The
Silver Tassie, The
Singing Sands, The
Sister Blanche of St Andrews
Six-Figured Man, The
Sixth of September
Skylark's Reel, The
Sla'ine's Fancy or Spinning Wheel
Sleepy Maggie
Slytherin House
Smoke Rings in the Night
Snake Pass, The
Society Piper
Sorcerer's Apprentice, The
Spark Dance
Sparkling Eyes
Sparkling Loch, The
Speirs Bruce, The Pole Star
Spirit of the Dance, The
Spring Fling Reel, The
St Andrew's Anniversary Strathspey
St Andrew's Fair
St John Strathspey, The
St John's Rant, The
Staffin Harvest
Stanford Swing
Starry-Eyed Lassie, The
State of Grace
Statuary Falls
Strathglass House
Strathspey for Milestones
Sueno's Stone
Sugar Candie
Summer Assembly, The
Summer on the Clyde
Summer with McKinnon
Summer Wooing
Sunshine and Sweetie's Jig
Susan Scott of San Rafael
Susanne's Strathspey
Susie Petrov's Strathspey
Swan and the Tay, The
Swashbuckling Dread Pirate Roberts
Swashbuckling Iain
Swirling Snow
Swiss Lassie
Tabby Cat, The
Take the Amigos' Clothes
Tam o' Shanter
Tam the Storyteller
Tap the Barrel
Tartan Rainbow
Tattie Bogle, The
Tayport Beauty
Teddy Bears' Picnic, The
Tenders, The
Thor's Hammer
Those Eyes
Three Score and Ten
Through the Garden Gate
Todlen Hame
Tokyo Flyer
Torf's Watching!
Torridon Lassies
Travelling Men, The
Tri-Mariner, The
Tribute to the Borders
Trip to Bavaria, A
Trip to Crinan, A
Trip to Gatlinburg
Trip to Glasgow, A
Trip to the Drakensburg, A
Trip to the Netherlands, A
Trip to Timber Ridge
Triple Happiness
Triumph, The - Just the Poussette
Trysting Place, The
Tulloch Gorm
Turkey Trot
Twa Corbies, The
Tweedbridge Court
Ullapool Ferry, The
Under the Trees
Up in the Air
Vale of Singing Gold, The
Valentine, The
Village Reel
Vintage Simon
Virginia Reel
Waggle of the Kilt
Walking Thru' the Bracken
Waltz Country Dance
Wandering Piper, The
Waratah Weaver, The
Waternish Tangle, The
Waverley or Fergus McIver
Waverley Station Jig
Ways in New Hall
We've Nae Electric
Weathercock, The
Wedding Reel, The
Wee Cooper O' Fife, The
Wee Dram Before Tea, A
Welcome to Ayr
Welcome to Dufftown
Well Done Jack
Well Met
Wells House
West's Hornpipe
Westminster Reel, The
Whistling Wind, The
White Cockade, The
White Heather Jig
Whiteadder Jig, The
Wicked Willy (Uilleam Dona)
Wild Geese, The
William Elphinstone
Wind in the Willows, The
Wind on Loch Fyne, The
Wind that Shakes the Barley, The
Winding Road, The
Wing, The
Winstanley House
Winter Wonder
Wishing Well, The
Wisp of Thistle
Wooden Horse, The
Yan, Tan, Tethera
Ye Ken It Well
Ye'll Aye Be Welcome Back Again
Yorkshire Lasses
Ysobel Stewart of Fish Hoek
Zoologist, The
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